Mt. Rushmore Keystone, South Dakota

– Food/Cafeteria Attendant & Cook
English level: Intermediate to Advanced
Job description: Employee will be placed in a position upon arrival based on skills and employer’s needs. Students need to be outgoing and willing to do positions that are of service level. Positions responsible for food preparation, cleaning tables, cafeteria work, fast food operation, dish/pot machine operation, maintenance of sanitation standards in the kitchen, dining room and snack bar. Ice-cream scooping. Students should be ready to prepare, serve food, fast food operation, dish machine, clean table, maintain sanitation standard. Dishwashing, food and veggies preparation. Be physically fit. Work schedule on week-days, weekends, holidays.
– Retail Associate
English level: Advanced
Job description: Obtains or receives merchandise, totals bill, accepts payment, and makes change for customers in retail store by performing the following duties: Other duties may be assigned. Stock shelves, counters, or tables with merchandise. Displays merchandise, suggests selections that meet customer’s needs, and emphasizes selling points of article such as quality and utility. Demonstrate use of merchandise. Answer customer’s
questions concerning location, price, and use of merchandise. Prepare sales on register. Receive payment or obtain credit authorization. Wrap or bag merchandise for customers. Places new merchandise on display. Remove and record amounts of cash in register at end of shift. Takes inventory of stock. Requisitions merchandise form stockroom. Examines defective article returned by customer to determine if refund or replacement should be made. Greets customer on sales floor and determines make, type, and quality of merchandise desired.
– Parking Attendant
English level: Advanced
Job description: Obtains or receives payment, totals bill, accepts payment, and makes change for visitors at Parking Structure by performing the following duties. Other duties may be assigned. Count “cash bank” at beginning of shift to ensure starting total is correct. Collect cash, credit card and or validation payments and maintain security of items collected. Make change and issues receipts for each transaction. Operated fee computer or cash register (manually of by machine) that calculates fee or transaction due. Request balance due for parking services for which money is received from customer. Maintain cleanliness of booth and grounds and perform
housekeeping duties as assigned. Properly assemble funds deposit at end of shift and deposit in drop safe. Employees may be required to direct traffic within the parking facility. Act as a crossing guard at the pedestrian walkway between the parking facility and the memorial.
Overtime rate: The employer does not intend to schedule overtime, but if a student works over 48 hours a week the OT pay rate is $16.2/hr.
Meal Discount: Meals provided at employee cafeteria while at work.
Uniform Requirements: Uniform is provided. No charge if returned. Please bring the following items with you: 1. Nice Black slack pants (no jeans, no yoga, no leggings pants, cannot be form fit) 2. Tuck in shirts 3. Comfortable shoes with no open-toes 4. Black or brown belt 5. Khaki pants
Grooming Code: Facial hair for men should be clean-shaven and hair above collar length. Good personal hygiene is a must, including a daily shower and bath and use of deodorant. No visible tattoos or facial piercing during work. The supervisor must approve smoking and cigarette breaks
* ข้อมูลข้างต้นอาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลง ทางอคาเดกซ์มิอาจรับผิดชอบต่อความถูกต้อง และ/หรือ การเปลี่ยนแปลง ของข้อมูลที่อยู่นอกเหนือการควบคุมของอคาเดกซ์ *